my personal infrastructure

march, 2024

[for those readers not so technically inclined, this article may not make much sense.]

over the years, i've written a lot of compter code, both professionaly and for myself. as the saying goes though, the cobbler's children has no shoes, and that also applies to my personal software projects. i have to spend some effort to create infrastructure to be able to access them from all my devices, and that has gone through many iterations over the years.

most of the time i create software toys. not fully fleshed out ideas, but something that sparked an interest, and i want to see and interact with from my phone, or my laptop, or any other internet capable device. what i need is a safe space to create applications and expierment. be it simple http apis, to full web applications with a frontend and backend.. but without worrying about the wild west of the internet banging on my web server.

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about this site

september, 2023

this is a blog about obsessions. having a conversation, reading a book, seeing a video—something will make me stop and say, 'oh, really?' an idea will resonate with me and i will set out to experience it for myself. i will go deep and consume all the information i can, taking detailed notes, log my practice, and create charts and videos of my progress. this is a collection of writings and artifacts related to these experiences:

i feel like an alchemist standing in the confluence of these different obsessions. instead of transmuting materials though, i'm transforming myself through these experiences. i'm gaining me new skills and perspectives, and my approach to life is much different than it used to be.

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